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Ricotta Gnocchi

1 ½ pounds Ricotta Impastata
3 egg yolks
2 ounces grated parmesan
½ cup flour (have extra on hand)
Extra parmesan to grate over the top
Halzenuts, toasted, chopped

In a large bowl, mix the ricotta with the egg yolks and parmesan. Little by little, add the flour just until the dough comes together well and is just barely wet. Allow the dough to rest for about half and hour. Roll the dough into long “ropes” then slice into ½ inch long pieces. Place on a cookie sheet in the cooler for about an hour topped with a little flour. Cook in simmering water until they float. Place a small sauté pan with 2 tablespoons of butter over medium low heat until it begins to brown. Remove it from the heat, season with salt and add the cooked gnocchi and some toasted crushed hazelnuts. Serve immediately and top with some grated parmesan if desired.